COVID-19 or more commonly known as the Corona Virus has had serious health and economic implications on society. This has led to many people becoming quarantined, practising safe hygiene practices and social distancing. At this time it is especially important that your makeup products and brushes are squeaky clean to avoid spreading bacteria even further. In this article, you will leave a variety of tips for cleaning your makeup and applying it safely during the time of this virus.
1. Keeping Brushes Clean

Makeup brushes can harbour bacteria on them for a long period of time if not cleaned. Take the extra time to clean your brushes with a spray or soap to get rid of this bacteria. The most effective method of cleaning your brushes is to use a brush cleaning soap and mat then hang them try dry on a brush stand.
2. Wiping Down Palettes
Use the same makeup cleaning spray on a tissue to wipe down the outside and around the pans of your eyeshadow palettes. This will not only make them looker cleaner but will also disinfect the palette by removing any bacteria. It is also advised that you use a tissue to wipe the top of each pan, creating a fresh layer for your next use.

3. No Double Dipping
If you are a makeup artist or just want to be extra cautious with your products in this time of high risk it is essential that you invest in some disposable makeup tools. You can buy bulk packets of spoolies, lip applicators and makeup wedges for one-time use. By doing this, the products real applicator is never touching your face and contracting the bacteria from it.
4. Using The Same Products On Different Clients

This tip is mainly for makeup artists who are using the same products for multiple different clients. When using cream products it is advised that you scrape them from their palette onto a clean mixing palette rather than dipping your finger or a sponge into them. If this were to happen then the product would be unusable on any other client.
5. Sterilisation Is Key
