Panning is one of the most popular trends all over Instagram. I'm always seeing pictures of peoples half-empty palettes but never really understand why they were posting them. That's when I decided to contact @just_hit_that_pan who I thought would be able to educate us all on what panning is. Keep reading below to see the interview I had with her (and some satisfying pics of palettes that have hit pan)

Tell us about your Instagram account
On my Instagram account, I mostly share my love of my Makeup! I share my progress on my products and palettes, the pans I hit, my empties, my favourite products, some looks and the project pans I do. I also want to share my journey to a more minimalistic and curated collection.
What inspired you to start panning your palettes?
What inspired me to begin panning was seeing how much makeup I had accumulated through the years that I wasn't even using! I was spending a ridiculous amount of money on makeup I didn't even need or use. My panning journey started on accident. I had a video about how to spend less on makeup recommended to me on YouTube and from it, I discovered the panning community. I officially started panning in January 2018.

Why should people start panning their palettes?
I don't think people should necessarily start panning their palettes, instead, I think they should start getting to know their collection a little bit better. To get to know what they actually like and what works for them instead of buying whatever is hyped or trendy. Because I was like that for a long time, I was focusing more on what was coming out an not on what I already had in my collection! So yeah, I think people should get to know their collection better and project pans really help with that.
Who do you follow that inspires you to keep panning?
I follow so many panning accounts on Instagram! But the ones that inspire me the most are @taupe.and.pink and @ladypansalot. On YouTube, I follow the channels chicgeek and too much tash.

Do you have a goal set for how many pans you want to hit?
I don't really have a goal of how many pans I want to hit, I don't really like to put too much pressure on myself. I want makeup to be fun and not feel like a chore. My goal is mostly to get as much use as possible from my palettes and to rotate through them.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start panning?
My advice to anyone who wants to start panning is to start small and set themselves small achievable goals to get them going. Like if they want to try panning a palette it's better to start with a mini palette and to go on a low or no buy, it really helps with downsizing their collection and only keeping/buying what actually works for them.
