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4 Irresistible Ways To Pamper Your Lips - Guest Post By Ivana

“Smiling is the second best thing you do with your lips…” is a flirty line that everyone loves to hear. Women have always dreamed of having full and plump lips. Unfortunately, not every girl is born with naturally plumped lips. Nevertheless, there is always a solution. There are awesome ways to pamper the lips to look irresistible and you can find out about them right here. Let’s take a look.

Scrub Them Twice a Day

The easiest way to scrub your lips is after you brush your teeth – in the morning and before going to bed. Use a clean toothbrush and scrub them gently to remove any dry skin. At night, apply a generous amount of lip balm after the scrubbing so that your lips can absorb the nutrients during the night.

You can also use sugar mixed with honey or bamboo powder, gently massage the mixture on the lips and rinse with lukewarm water. Again, apply lip balm to keep them moisturised. 

There are a lot more ways to exfoliate your lips with home-made recipes. If you prefer, you can use specially made products for lip scrubbing and use them according to the instructions on the label.

Use Lip Plumper Gloss

The next step is to naturally make them appear bigger. Yes, it is possible to increase the volume of the lips without having to turn to lip fillers. Lip injections are risky and there are so many risks connected to the procedure in addition to your lips gradually looking more unnatural . Instead, you can use a lip plumper gloss that are not only is designed to naturally give the effect of bigger and fuller lips, but also give them the perfect shine, colour and softness.

DIY plumpers such as using natural spices will increase the blood circulation in the lip area and will give a momentarily enhanced pout. Such spices are cinnamon, eucalyptus oil, black pepper, peppermint essential oil, cayenne pepper powder etc.

Use A Lip Liner

Always use a lip liner pencil to clearly define the lip contours. Use a shade or two darker than the lipstick or lip gloss you intend to use and make sure to blend it carefully with a brush so that the contour lines are not harsh. The lip liner will keep the lipstick from “bleeding” outside the lip area and will lock the colours in place.

The lip liner is also used to change the shape of the lips –you can draw below or above the natural lip line to make them appear bigger. You just need to make sure that the difference doesn’t look too obvious.

Choose the Right Shade of Lipstick

When I say the right shade, it doesn’t mean the right colour. It means to be careful that the shade you pick complements your skin tone. You are probably aware that not all colours of lipstick look the same on different women – and that is because of the different skin tone that everyone has. Therefore, make sure the colour you pick doesn’t contrast your skin tone because you will end up with a lip colour that doesn't suit your complexion.


This article is a guest post written by Ivana.

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